Sunday, August 31, 2008


Here's what I know: wohlberg won the p1/2 from break w Jesse Moore. I
won the 35+. Ex teammate Toby won the 3's. Flavia won the womens. My
bro was 6th in the 45 race.

Anyone have update on Jonathon E? got swallowed up by the biggest hole
ever. Last seen sitting up but very bloodied.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
Good job! Did you stick around to get your t-shirt? Did you see the top ten for our race? Yeah, hope Jonathon was okay. He was a long way from the massive hole when we saw him.

runjoelrun said...

Was just getting in the car when the ref showed up with the results in electronic form. I just showed my number and got out of there before they even posted them on paper, sorry Jack.

So Jonathon crashed elsewhere? Maybe was another rider that crashed in the hole.

phipps said...

Good job Joel!

I only fell for that Dunnigan "Hills" name once.

See you tomorrow.