Sunday, July 27, 2008

Master's Districts

Here's what I know:
30+ - some Nevada dude that no one knew.  Mendoca almost got him sounds like.
35+ - LeBerge
40+ - Paulsen
45+ - Clover guy that's not Bubba (Chad?)
I left after that
30+ - Jesse Moore
35+ - Reaney (actually crossed the line together with Jesse, very confusing, 'solo together')
40+ - Michael Taylor (never had seem him before, was a bad ass in years past from what I gather)
45+ - Langely
I left after that.
Me?  10th both days.  Ouch....

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Watching the Joe Strummer movie , realized I saw him live twice. Once in the Clash in 1982 in Pittsburgh, PA, then in 2002 in The Mescaleros. Venue for the latter was the Filmore. Though Mescaleros weren't the epic band that The Clash were, Joe had more life to him at the latter show. He was in his element, couldn't keep your eyes off him, the music was great.

In 2002 I had never been to the Filmore before! I had given up on live music for a while after over spending on too many bad arena shows. Joe got me back into live shows.

As to the earlier show, The Clash played in this little gym on the CMU campus, and I was right up against the stage, all of 16 years old. Even though they were big they were playing the small venues. I was feeling Joe's spit as he churned through the songs. By 1982 that same punk energy wasn't there, but he still gave it his all.

Uncle Joe dying was a sad day. The movie's pretty good. Made mostly for the hardcore fan.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Flashback

The year is 2005. The race is Watsonville. A 'young' new rider has
flatted out of the 4's race, from a four man break that stayed away.
In his first year of racing, this was his first crit break, had only
watched those things on tv. And be out of it, was biting.
Chagrined, he quickly signs up for the open 35+ race, another first.
How hard could it be? As the race started it became apparent that it
wasn't the pace that made it hard. It was faster, but that was good,
felt right. No, there was 'team work', something else seen on the
small screen, but to be in it... well....
He would find out later that what he witnessed that day was not
altogether 'positive' racing, but riders in the same jersey were
working towards a common of winning. Getting that jersey across the
finish line first.
Also only to be learned later was that the flash of blue that
disappeared at the start line, only to seen 40 minutes later on the
podium, was Mike Hernandez. The 'young' rider tried and tried to get
up to the soloist, but why are these other guys following him?
dragging me back to the losing pack? Why aren't they helping me get up
there? His protoracingbrain told him it must be a team thing. The guys
in blue were working in concert.
It was his first lesson in many. A string of lessons which would, one
day, stick. He wanted to be that solo man, suffering, but knowing he's
working only for himself and team.
He was happy. Content at the end with getting his first ever BAR point
in the 35+ category. That would need to keep him satisfied thru 2005
because even today, if he looks at that year's BAR, he sees he is
second to last, with exactly one point.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Will have to blog more about p12 later cause that was a bizarre race.
I continued to feel like absolute shit...
I did in the masters race too. Got to the final five laps and Tim laid
out a nice attack w McCook, Derdenger, and PPenn. When they were
caught w three to go I went off with Scott and had a nice gap that
would have held but he couldnt/wouldnt work. Caught with one to go.
Got back in line tenth and found enough sprint for 6th.
Special thanks to TomC for the needed encouragement every lap! Heard
it every time...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Coyote Creek

Nice. The team finally won both races at a crit! Eric won the 35+ out of a 4 man break, which took off very early. Vince then won the p1/2 out of a 6 man break, which also took off very early.

John won the pack sprint in p1/2 for 7th. Brian was second in the pack sprint in 35+ for 6th. Really good day.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


these guys have some cool equipment

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We did win two races

We did win two races in five days. Good. Don't feel like I rode very well for them tho. Welcome home Julian! Most impotantly.

Admit I don't like to

Admit I don't like to blog when its not all good news. Just hanging in Santa Cruz forgetting about races for a couple days