Thursday, February 28, 2008

Merced eatery

I was scouting around for food between races on Sunday and was lucky enough to come across this Cinema Coffee Shop, 661 W Main St in Merced. They have kickass sandwiches and were very friendly. It's next to.. well.. the Cinema of course, just a couple of blocks from the course.

I'll be going back between races again on Saturday, as McLane, they tell me, is on the same crit course, just backwards. Sans alleyway madness luckily, since we're likely to see over 100 riders in the p/1 race.


Britter said...

Good tip, we will check it out. We have tried to get into the Brewery the last couple of years but they were closed on the Saturday of the race. Did not make any sense to me at all!?

runjoelrun said...

Which Brewery is nearby? There is the BBQ place right on the corner but a bucket of BBQ just didn't seem like a good idea between races.

Britter said...

check the link:

It was Firehouse Brewery, but now is Big Bad Bubba BBQ. So you did see the right place, web said they are still doing beer!