Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Moving my son, Leo, into

Moving my son, Leo, into UCSC today


Anonymous said...

He's gonna be heading to the liquor store and getting directions to the disco before you are off-campus. Trust me, I know the father.

Anonymous said...

Great place to spend 4 or 5 years. I should know, I spent 6 there... Congrats. that is abig accomplishment as a parent. Hope I can be as successful in the future.

Tell him to stay away from the drum circles, topless girls sunbathing and mountain lions. Not in that order of course.

steve r

MoMoneyHoney said...

let's hope he doesn't "rock" the brown bedding stuff too much. haha!

runjoelrun said...

Thanks for the serious (Steve) and not so serious (Maury and Morgan) comments.

Steve, I also spent years there, so I know the hazards of which you speak.