Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To pull the trigger or not

I've had many conversations over the last two years on 'when to cat up' as the bike parlance goes. There are the two extremes: do it as soon as you the opportunity presents itself or, MP style, take primes for as long as you can until you're dragged into that next category. Maybe even sit up in some finishes so you don't get the mandatory upgrade. I'm sure most people fall somewhere in between and have many different reasons:

-Don't have time to train to next level
-Like to win

I figure there are plenty of reasons to hang around but if you're top ten in every race entered, you may as well go up. That's because you'll be top ten pretty soon at that next level as well. I must tell you it's better to have a reason NOT to upgrade rather than the other way around, cause it's usually a lot more fun in the next category. Personally I'd rather be beaten by the best I can, than winning against an easier group.

As Rick from Eden told me: never turn down a promotion when it's offered. I say upgrade as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

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