Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wed night track

I haven't done a Wed night session in how long? Turns out this was the first one of the year, and it's the second to last session.  Better late than never.
The A's wasn't a huge group, but we had Hutch, and the lurking Keiran, so it was fun enough.  Could have done without the Chariot race, which Keiran won.
I was able to leverage Hutch's attacks in the Win n Out to launch my own attack for the win.  In the Tempo, they just let me go for a while.
The Miss n out, Hutch and I just kept the pace honest on the front but were outgrimaced by Keiran for the win there. 
In the end, the Omnium was tied by Keiran and me.  And I thought there was going to be a pound of Peete's....


Anonymous said...

san ardo / university? see you there. - muscles and the grump

runjoelrun said...

Doing San Ardo, but I'm only 1 pt out of the Master's CalCup so...

I will NEVER do p1/2 University again regardless! You have fun with that....

I like the new nickname Ryan. MAG for short...