Monday, October 15, 2007

the other way to get to work

the greenhouse gas generator. Not as fun as the bike, but it has to be done once in a while.


Mike Hardy said...

gonna be intermittently annoying/rainy all week too. I guess I'll get to see if my rain gear is up to snuff.

Got the booties, I *think* my glove covers are good for it, and I have a vest. I may buy a second set of stuff so I don't have to fiddle with things to get them dry over night. An extra day of drying should make that a non-event

One of these rain days I'm just going to go for it regardless. Wish me luck, and don't forget to buy your carbon offsets ;-)

Thanks for the advice

runjoelrun said...

Not sure what I think about carbon offsets. A way for people buying SUVs to feel better about it. I guess I would go for carbon offsets for things I really need to do, like buy toothpaste, but buying it for something I feel guilty about doesn't make a lot of sense.

Plus it's dubious that I really offset the the pound of carbon that I'm using by paying someone to plant a tree in some distant place in some distant future. Then they'll take their cut on it.

runjoelrun said...

And another thing: what if someone cuts down 'my' tree the next day. I'm still driving my car but nothing saying my tree is doing it's bit. No, I'd rather reduce directly where ever possible.

Saw someone with an annoyingly vague bumper sticker yesterday: "Do No Harm". To which I say: then get out of your car. or as my brother said: 'don't bother getting out of bed in the morning'.

runjoelrun said...

Interesting section in the Wikipedia entry for this called 'Controversies'. I like where it's compared to buying Catholic Indulgences during the Middle Ages.

Mike Hardy said...

I totally agree with you re: carbon offsets. I think if you drive your car very periodically and do a lot of research on the offset organization and pay attention on an ongoing can get some karma back.

But it's way easier to just hang on to the karma in the first place, for sure.

Yanked your chain though - it's clear you care, a good thing :-)
