Wednesday, April 23, 2008

kumbayaa my ass

I can be a grouch.

We're doing 'teambuilding' today in Monterey. My idea of building a team is 'get ur ass to work and be proud of the result'. I'm going along with the feelgood version for today tho. Actually I have to.

John took umbrage with my entry yesterday where it appeared that I blamed him for drinking too much beer. Well if the shoe fits, as they say, John.

He suggested I dig out the text messages, suggesting that they would support his side of the story, which is that *I* instigate the pitcher buying. I've done so and will post them later. Rest assured, I have always been dragged to the bar.


Mike Hardy said...

kicking and screaming, no doubt

have fun with the trust falls

Anonymous said...

Just remember your blog is public, so anyone from work might read this post(!).

runjoelrun said...

OK, I thought it was an urban legend: we actually fell backward to do the 'trust falls' Mike.

Mike Hardy said...

laughing my ass off - two reasons, you had to do it, and you didn't know

hilarious - if you're in to it it's no big deal and kinda fun, but if you're a humbug skeptic, the mental image of you doing it anyway cracks me up

Hey, beat's workin

John Wilk said...

Funny how easy it is to convince you to have a few beers. If only it were that easy to talk you into doing a p1/2 road race.