Friday, August 31, 2007


I ride over the Dumbarton bridge just about every morning to get to work, as do a number of others. It's kind of a community I guess since you see the same people over and over again. Also meet up with a group sometimes to ride together: Chris Patterson, Ken, George. It's actually how I started to ride the bike altogether three and a half years ago when I got tired of getting stuck on it in my car every day!

I bring all this up to see if anyone knows what's up with the black tarp along the two miles of frontage fence with the freeway that was put up a couple of weeks ago. Didn't these people know how hard the wind blows every afternoon? All the cyclists knew to be sure. You either hit 30 mph with the tailwind, or are hating all the work you need to put into 18 mph.

So of course, day one the thing is blowing down. Was trying to figure why they went to the trouble. Construction? doesn't look it. Cosmetic? Isn't working.

If anyone can help me here, would appreciate it.