Friday, August 17, 2007

wither master's racing next year...

No Safeway, no AMD, no Hernandez. Generally I like the p1/2 races more than the masters races (just a little more edge to it), but I do like doubling up with the masters crits. Hopefully it doesn't lose any of it's quality. What will the team makeup be, who the big players.

By the way Hernandez isn't going away, his blog just states that he'll be don't p1/2 racing.


Mike Hardy said...

Despite our best efforts to be a kick-ass cat2 and higher team, we whippersnappers are no help to ya in the master's stuff. I'd love to try it as I think that's where I'll eventually find the most success given the P/1/2s will inevitably have one studly 23 year old after another roll through

I didn't realize AMD was pulling out, I mean, I knew Disco went but does that mean AMD goes too?

It might actually be the same quality racing then since there won't be a dominant team with sprinters - that still leaves open high-quality fear-the-break type riding...

runjoelrun said...

Apparently AMD Master's is connected enough with Discovery that our own local team is gone too! It's like we feel the ripples from doping at the Tour all the back to NorCal. Bummer.